
Keep up to date with us


Added features

2024 board is now available. There are some issues with the rankings from Moonboard.

You can now login and add favorite people to filter by.

We are working on allowing you to manage your benchmark subscription from login.


Fixed Benchmarks & 2016 Rankings

The benchmark tracking was not working properly due to Moonboard changes with their app. It has been fixed!

The ranking tracking for the 2016 set was not working properly due to Moonboard changes with their app. I have done what I can to try and clean the data up, but that cannot be fixed until Moonboard fixes it on their end.



You can now select the individual boards you would like to subscribe to the benchmarks for


Board Stalker News

We've added the news section to the home page to keep everyone up to date with what is new and upcoming.


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Our Stats

Some information about our data


last update

Country Rankings Tracked
Canada 1250
United States 2500
United Kingdom 250
Australia 250
Germany 250